By eric on 06/03/2016
How many times have you been searching for a product online and started seeing advertisements for it on other websites afterwards? A process known as SEM is responsible for that.
Google AdWords has become one of the most valuable online resources available for businesses. Google has created a versatile and affordable way of getting businesses more exposure by making the paid advertisements the very first lines of text the user will see when their search results appear. As long as users are searching for the specific keywords the business has selected to use, their website will show up in the results. A diverse set of options ensures that businesses are being promoted in front of the right audiences.
The business can advertise within a certain radius around their location or even take it to a global scale and only pay Google when their ad is clicked on or their number is called, making sure never to charge when their ad is not working. Because of this pay-per-click model, it’s important for businesses to keep track of how effective their AdWords marketing campaign is going. If they’re paying more to Google for their ads than they’re making off of sales, a serious change needs to happen in order to keep sales figures up.
The key to succeeding is keywords. Potential customers will only find your ad if you are using the right keywords that relate to what you’re selling. The problem is that everyone else wants to use the same keywords to bring in the biggest amount of customers; the broader the terms, the bigger the audience.The problem is that because so many people are trying to use the same terms, your ad will appear with everyone else’s and might not get you the exposure you were hoping for.
One other setback to using popular keywords is that they’ll be more expensive than using more specific terms. Narrower keywords will reach a much smaller demographic of potential customers, but they’ll be cheaper to use and more applicable to the people searching for just the right website or product you offer.
Because businesses only paying for the clicks they receive to their site through Google, the payment they make scales depending on how general the term in question is. If they were selling shoes, a broad term like “women’s shoes” that hundreds of other websites are using is going to be more expensive. But if they narrow the term down to “canvas sneakers,” it will be cheaper on the company and they’ll be able to attract the customers that are searching for that specific type of shoe, rather than the swarm of people searching for general terms. This way businesses can kill two birds with one stone.
Now that you know SEM in the most simple terms, it’s time to share your business with the world. Go out there and start marketing like a champ!