By jason on 08/06/2013
We've been working on helping to build awareness and inform regarding SEO best practices with our SEO Boise compilation. We're excited to learn, apply, share, and help grow a better SEO community in Boise.
If you've identified valuable keywords for your business, there is a mechanical seo process, guaranteed to help with your rankings.
SEO is not hard work, but it does take resource dedication - whether it's you, a partner, employee, or someone else; there are many factors that play into successful optimization.
Domain Integrity
Age of domain, registration expiration date, other factors (abuse,etc)
Hosting Environment
Reliability and Uptime of web server
Resource availability on server - slows you down if you're on shared hosting competing with other sites for computing resources.
Bandwidth / Network Saturation of hosting network - make sure your web host has adequate bandwidth
Compression - properly configured on web server (html/css/js/json/xml)
Web Page Accessibility
Canonical url's, HTTP 301 redirects, url parameters, etc
Page Load Time
Small file size - (compression, clean code, intelligent css/js inclusion)
Minimize/Consolidate resources (images, js, css, etc)
Proper load order
Parallelization of resource loading
SEO Friendly Markup
page title, meta description, h1, strong, em, img alt, etc
Links - properly constructed
Links: good, quality, links. See here, for some good SEO Link information
Search engines like this stuff, however people like to find what they're looking for, things they like, and things that add value to them. Search engines deliver your content to people searching for something. The trick, is in generating customers from visitors - That's conversion.
This mechanical stuff is easy, although it requires attention to detail, strategy, and integration with other efforts; such as quality content development. Whether it's copy writing, animation, video, audio, or a mixture of all; it's required to have quality content and mechanical seo.
Successful web developmentContact Us, there's a great opportunity for collaboration.