Bringing it back - a failed #startupweekend venture, with many happy returns on investment

By jason on 08/05/2013

It's been about a year and a half since we pitched and pursued a venture at startup weekend, here in Boise. Our idea, was a social media content system; enabling people to better utilize social media for promotion.

It's easy to signup for accounts on social networks and tinker, it's difficult to extract value. For that, it's often ideal to leave it up to professionals. Enter - Nerdy Bird. Whatever it's called, it was a pretty sweet idea (according to me), and a business that failed in execution. All in all, it was a tremendous experience. It brought us in contact with many other like-minded individuals, and helped to further establish us in the community here.

54 hours of entrepreneurship was awesome..draining, and hugely beneficial. When you're in a room with others for 54 hours, and your pouring your heart, soul, and boundless energy into something, there's very little downside.

I was looking through an old computer's files, found this homepage design (Thanks Brandon Kitto), enjoyed the nostalgia, and thought it was worth sharing.

Hi-5 for Entrepreneurship...or, at least, finding opportunities and trying to take advantage of them

nerdy bird logo